Bring the Dream Big Series Tour to your school, corporation or organization for a captivating and energetic concert integrated with a life changing message.
Today, almost every concert you attend is using the aid of multimedia LED screens to help present the message of the artist and their songs.
The Dream Big Series Tour does exactly the same thing with one major difference. The message presented is pointed at impacting peoples lives on a level that the audience can relate to. We all have dreams. Get ready to ignite your audience with messages from Chad Bourquin (Big Time Grain Co), Daniel De Los Reyes (The Zac Brown Band), Lester Estelle Jr. (Kelly Clarkson Band) and Jeremy Worden (Jerrod Niemann Band) all while Big Time Grain Co rocks the stage.
Youth with a passion and love of the arts don't get their soul fed and fire lit near enough, but that's what happened to her that day. She walked away knowing that she didn't need a backup plan -- just a plan for her dream!"
Angela W- Parent
The Dream Big Series was a huge success at our middle school! Students were highly engaged with both the music and the messaging. Many students shared it was the best assembly of the year!
Dr. Jessica R. Dain
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
Olathe Public Schools
We could not have dreamed of a better inaugural concert for our new series. Y’all went above and beyond what is expected from your involvement with the kiddos.
Aaron Dobson Maryville Parks & Recreation · Director
BTGC helped guide each one of us towards our own personal goals and dreams.
Harrison Parkhurst, Student Maryville High Show Choir
To say that my life and direction have improved would be the greatest understatement of my life. Every person and plan is completely their own. As every individual is in a different place in their development, The Dream Big Tour focuses on the next step for them. I have grown into the person I always wanted to become.
Curt Coolidge - President RBC Global